For online communication with our department, the folowing methods can be used:

1. Online Chat

2. Grievance/Feedback


Online Chat

                    The online chat window (Red background with white text) located on the bottom right corner of the website is the fastest means for communication. When website administrators are online the mini pop up box will display "we are online", when administrators are online clients/citizens can directly chat with the administrators and submit their queries and suggestions. When the mini pop up box display "we are offline", clients/citizens can leave a message for the administrators to read when they are online.


                     The Grievance/Feedback menu located on the left panel of this website can be used to contact the website administrators through Facebook, Mipuiaw and Tweeter. To use Grievance/Feedback, clients/citizens must login with their id in the respective website to post comments or queries regarding and related to the website and the Department of Animal Husbandry & Veterenary.